Representing the colonial war

Writing the Nation Beyond Resistance focuses on the representation of the Portuguese colonial war by two filmmakers belonging to different generations, Margarida Cardoso (a Costa dos Murmúrios / The Murmuring Coast) and Manoel de Oliveira (Non ou a Vã Glória de Mandar / No, or the Vain Glory of Command).

The article by researcher Adriana Martins (Universidade Católica Portuguesa) brings some insight on the regard of Cardoso over the ghosts of the Portuguese colonial war.



Ceci n’est pas un movie blog

This is a film blog: Yvone Kane’s blog. But it is also a space for sharing information on the work of Margarida Cardoso, on the topics of the film, on the people and stories around the film… objective and detailed information, as well as food for thought.

It will be lavishly fed in the weeks leading up to the debut in theaters. It will use mainly english as a lingua franca, although there aren’t rigid rules about this.

Check the tabs above: trailer, download center, cast and crew, director’s info. Click “Follow” so you don’t miss a bit. Enjoy. And please give us your feedback!